I'm hosting, at my church, a series of events called the "Discernment Series." We just had our first one on Women Roles, Inclusive Language, and Expansive Language about God. The event was a success though small in attendance. I suspect that the next ones will be of greater interest and therefore attendance: Gender Issues: LGBT Concerns (Nov 9-11), Just Peace or Just War? (Jan), and Race and Multiculturalism (Feb). I'm putting together study guides for each topic--so if you want to send an e-mail with some resources or articles, please do! The Discernment Series is my effort to help the Church correctly deal and face what is many times a tabu or neglected issue. As a Pastor in a Church covenanted with the United Church of Christ, these are not just spiritual issues they are issues of social justice which should be faced--I'm proud that my church is trying to do so. What follows is the latest advert I passed out in my church and online. The Discussions are for people who are still wrestling with the issues and uncertain about specific elements--which are still hard for many, e.g. what does the Bible "really" say--I'll give you a hint--LOVE and GRACE triumph!
We'll say his name is Philip, an old student of mine: kind, generous, a devote believer in God. He went to Bible college and ministered to many. Then he came “out”… his dad grabbed him and tried to cast the demon out while his mother bawled out “my son, my son you are going to go to hell!” Philip tried to commit suicide…five times. Philip is no longer in ministry, or in any church.
His name was Joe, a teenager in a church I knew. Three years ago, in tears he confessed he was “gay” to his mom and dad. They cried and took him to the Pastor for prayer and council. The pastor then had him come before the Church on the following Sunday… Joe thought for prayer. The pastor renounced Joe as "Gay" and he was excommunicated from the Church. Joe is dead.
The stories are real, and they go on and on and on. I know you all are aware that the national stance of the United Church of Christ is to be open to all peoples in an extravagant welcome of God’s Love and Grace to us all. This extends to LBGT people and it has given all a new hope and love. There is a very strong reason why this love is needed: as heard in the testimonies of many, LGTB people have been cast out of many churches as sinners, abominations, and even “demonic.” What is sad is that many people feel that the World has loved gays, lesbians, transgendered, and bi-sexual people (LGBT) better than many Christians who profess to serve the God of Love. Many Christians say that gay love is unholy, and thus it is only natural for a fallen world to love them. Perhaps it is no wonder why many LGBT’s are repulsed by Christians, who wants to be damned in the name of love? Gays have been told they are going to hell by their church members, pastors, family, brother, sister, mother and father. Some are told that they can be saved if they remain celibate. They are told that their sexuality is a choice, and when they do not “choose” to be heterosexual they are damned. They are read the scriptures that seem to pronounce them as abominations. It is no wonder that our brothers and sisters have tried to commit suicide while others escaped to find life only by leaving the Church and a religion who damns their very being.
So, I ask you, “How will you respond?” It’s time for discernment. Are you struggling with what Scripture really says about homosexuality? How do we understand the Law in contrast to the Grace of Christ? How do we love without worry and extend welcome without compromise? What are the issues that surround same-sex marriage? How do we build a bridge of love and communication between us all? Come, explore Scripture, History, Tradition, Philosophy and present Culture in a discussion that is sure to be alive with profound care…in an intentionally safe environment. This topic is one that is not about heaven-or-hell, it is about life and death…just ask Joe.
November 13-14:
Friday movie: 7-9:
Saturday: 10-3 Lectures and discussion; 3-4 Church Discernment and Statement
Friday movie: 7-9:
Saturday: 10-3 Lectures and discussion; 3-4 Church Discernment and Statement
2nd Congregational United Church of Christ,
525 Cheshire Drive NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
525 Cheshire Drive NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505