In 2002 I had the opportunity of hosting Marcel Marceau at the Mimeistry International Workshop and I invited him to speak at Fuller Theological Seminary: Here are some highlights:
Marceau on WW2In 2002 I had the opportunity of hosting Marcel Marceau at the Mimeistry International Workshop and I invited him to speak at Fuller Theological Seminary: Here are some highlights:
Marceau on Mime and Religion
Marceau on mimes as the "Witness of their times"
Marceau on Education
Marceau talks more on the War
Marceau on the Hands (very funny)
Marceau on the Conventions of Character
Marceau on Bip's Butterfly
Marceau on Charlie Chaplin
Marceau has some fun with me (Todd)
Marceau on the universal aspects of humor
Marceau on the Future of Mime