Friday, May 3, 2013

The Return of Mime and Workshops!

Bradley House Theatre International Mime Workshop & California Tour 2013

Saginaw, Michigan:  June 10-19
California TourJune 20-July 6th

Master Mime Todd Farley joins forces with the international performance excellence of Adriel Ruben (Brazil), to create a skillfully diverse physical theater workshop with a strong base in French Mime (in the style of  legendary Marcel Marceau).  Those familiar with Todd’s original work with Mimeistry International will be excited to participate with this new workshop which includes studies in Circus (flying silk), Commodia Dell’Arte, Acrobatics,  hip-hop,  folk dance,  as well as Todd’s classical mime classes, choreography/mimography, and of course Todd’s  PhD work in Biblical Foundations, Culture and the Arts.  The choreographical work will focus on the social concerns of the students, and  will promote a safe and inclusive environment—whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey you are welcome here!   

WEEK ONE (5 DAYS):  JUNE 10-14  TECHNIQUE (Mime, Dance,  Circus, Theatre)
The first week is focused on the techniques of physical theatre, the students work in a dance studio at SVSU in the morning and the BHT stage in the afternoon.  Class space will be limited to 12 students per teacher—guaranteeing an excellent opportunity for individual attention.   (SVSU:  Saginaw Valley State University; BHT Bradley House Theatre at First Congregational Church) 

Saturday will be a day of rest and group fun as we go to the outlet mall and the famed Bavarian city of Frankenmuth (which has the world’s largest Christmas store). That evening we will have a cook-out and private “talent” show.  Participants of the Workshop will have the opportunity to  minister /participate in the Sunday services at First Congregational Church (UCC). 

These three days will be completely given to mimography and choreography.  Students will have the opportunity to work on their own pieces for critique and also the masterful work of Todd and Adriel: mime, dance, theatre, circus, hip-hop etc.  It is also during these days that we will prepare for the Workshop Show and California Tour. All students will have the opportunity to perform for the June 19th Show! 

CALIFORNIA TOUR (and the West Coast!)  JUNE 20-JULY 6
12 Participants will be chosen for a performance troupe for our West Coast Tour.  The Troupe will perform for Churches and for events associated with the National Synod of the United Church of Christ.  Troupe members will also have the travel up the West Coast visiting, San Francisco, the amazing Redwood forest (film cite for Star Wars) and Seattle’s Pikes Place!

For more information read the following or contact

Bradley House Theatre International Mime Workshop
403 S Jefferson Ave
Saginaw MI, 48607

989-754-6565  Office
626-475-4543  (Todd)


Schedule (basic outline)

        Breakfast                                              7:30-8 
        Foundational Studies                          8-9
        Dance                                                    9-10
        Mime                                                     10-12
        Lunch                                                    12-1
        Physical Theatre                                  1-3
        MOG                                                      3-4
        Electives                                                4-5
        Evening Events                                    7-9

Theology/Bible/mime lab

Theology: Arts theology, Bible foundations for the Ministering Arts, transformation and art,
 Arts philosophies, Art History, Mime Martyrs, etc
Mime Lab: offered during the Theology classes and Bible classes
Tech 1 and 2: illusions, isolations, marches, rhythms, statuary mime, object identification,
                Attitudes, transfers of weight, etc, Mime style: Marceau, Decroux, Farley, Polish. 
        Special classes will include: mimeography, mimesis, illustrating a sermon, Forms etc.
        Electives: mime lab, dance, drama, fencing, flags, etc.
        Evening events: concerts, video/film theology, Marceau and other arts videos,
fun and fellowship.
MOG (Mimesis)

Circus: silks, hand2hand (weight sharing for circus), Acrobatics, Clowning, Juggling

Contemporary Dance
Lyrical Dance
Musical Theatre
Pina Bausch (Dance technique)

Commedia Dell’Arte
Stanislavski (acting Technique)
Grotovski  (acting Technque)
Physical Theatre
Story Telling

Body Awareness

Housing and Meals

Housing is at Saginaw Valley State University, luxury dorm style (air conditioned, with kitchen and private bathroom).  You may opt out of housing, opts out of Meals.

        Workshop June 10-19   SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!!!

        Individually Priced
                        Housing                                                                 $220
                        Food                                                                       $230
                        Tuition                                                                   $150
              Package Price (Room/Board/Tuition)               $600

    Tour June 20-July 6                              $850 

There is a fee of $50 if you cancel attendance.



Scholarships:  Are offered by invitation and application:  to apply for a scholarship you will need to show financial need, a letter from a Drama Teacher, Director or Pastor, a video of your current work as a mime. We will then review your situation and inform you.  It is unlikely that we scholarship room/board.  However,  there could be ‘local housing,’ and we are committed to try to make certain that those who should come, come.  Money should not be the only reason a student chooses not to come!  Please don’t apply for scholarships unless you could not come otherwise, this will save it for those who need it!


The closest Airport is MBS (Midland Bay City Saginaw Airport) But there are other options:  Detroit (1 ½ hours away),  Lansing (1 hour), Flint (30 minutes)   these are further away and you might spend what you saved on shuttles. 

Bradley House Theatre International Mime Workshop & California Tour 2013
Registration Form!!!

      Name:  ______________________________________________________________________
 Address:  ____________________________________________________________________
 City, State, Zip:  ______________________________________________________________
 E-mail:  _____________________________________________________________________
 Phone: hm & cell  _____________________________________________________________
 Age:  _______ (must be 15 by the workshop—or get special permission)      Gender:  male / female
Payment Enclosed: ___________________    (must include at least $150 for deposit/registration fee)

If paying by Credit Card:
Name on Card ____________________________Signature______________________________________
Card Number _______________________________________                 Date of Expiration____________

If accepted, I would like to room with  __________________________________ No preference________

I would be willing to be a chaperone     yes / no 
 (must be at least 21 years old and staying in one of the hotels)

ARRIVAL DATE ________________    DEPARTURE DATE_________________

Please enclose with your Registration Fee and application
One photo of yourself  (without whiteface, a snap shot is fine!)
A Resume (vita) of your work as an artist/minister, or your experience with mime
A letter of Intent of what you hope to “get out of the workshop”
A letter of Pastoral/leadership,Drama Teacher or other Mentor expressing support for attending the workshop



Room                     220        
Board                     230
Tuition                   150

Fee:                         $850

Deposit (if not paid in full) $50  (non-refundable)

Enclosed amount:­________________
